21 July 2011

Paid To Click

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What is PTC?
PTC (Paid To Click) is a free program where members will be paid per click ads in PTC sponsors and wait 20-30 seconds until DONE. PTC is an online business that can help advertisers increase traffic levels to their website.
Paid To Click is an online business programs that we would be paid if we "click" ads that have been provided on the PTC website itself.

How PTC(Paid To Click) Programs Work?
Click Register at the PTC, then the data content ourselves with a valid email.
There are several PTC that require email confirmation sent to us, but there also can directly login after register.
Click Login, the contents of your username and password when register.
To view the ad, click view ads or surf ads, then click the ads, wait until it's time finish. After our account will grow, according to the ad clicks from referrals we dang well if we've got referrals.

When do we get paid?
Depending on the PTC site. When we reach the minimum payout balance, we can request for payment in accordance with the accounts that are allowed by the PTC.

Can my family come to register?
ALLOWED! As long as they are not in a computer, or an internet IP. If there are two accounts with same IP and the computer, then you are considered a "multyple account" or "CHEAT".

Ma'af untuk sementara Admin tidak bisa Update Bisnis PTC (Paid To Click) dikarenakan ada Project lain.

(PAYING) 17.52Perclick: $0.001 | Ads:10+ | PO:$2,$3,$5 | Payment Method:AP/PP) | Payments Proof: 1 2 3

(PAYING)Perclick: $0.00035-0.0035 | Ads: 30+ | PO: $0.1(PP), $1.3(AP) | Payment Method:PP/AP | Payments Proof: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

(PAYING) 23.00Perclick: $0.0005-0.002 | Ads:30+ | PO:$0.6 | Payment Method:PP/AP | Payments: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

(PAYING) 11.00Perclick: $0.001-0.01 | Ads: 10+ | PO: $8 | Payment Method:AP/PP/LR/Check | Payments Proof: 1

(PAYING) 12.00Perclick: $0.0001-0.003 | Ads:5+ | PO:$1 | Payment Method:PP/AP | Payments: 1 2 3

(PAYING) 12.15
Perclick: $0.0005-0.001 | Ads:15+ | PO:$0.3 | Payment Method:PP/AP | Payments proof: 1 2 3 4

(PAYING) 12.15Perclick: $0.0001-0.003 | Ads:5+ | PO:$2 | Payment Method:PP/AP | Payments: 1 2


11 komentar :

  1. thanks fren...it's very nice info.. :)

  2. gan,yang payment pake LR yg mana ya :)

  3. bukan scam ya gan..??


  4. @Arifin McReinhart
    Untuk info aja ya gan...semua program/bisnis online yang ada di blog ini 100% sudah mealaui TESTING terlebih dahulu, karena saya tidak ingin memberi info yang belum terbukti kebenarannya :)

  5. wah ternyata banyak juga ya mas selain adsensee yang bisaa untuk menghasilkan uang

  6. @Njajalae.info
    Iya sobat,emang banyak jenis bisnis online. Dan ini membuktikan bahwa internet juga bisa dimanfaatkan untuk menambah penghasilan.

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